
Intellectual Outputs (IO)

IO1: Research study on bullying within football

  • Investigate bullying in educational contexts and with specific reference to sport and football contexts. 
  • Collect good practices, both within and outside the sport domain to integrate the project with previous experiences of the partners involved and more generally in EU. 
  • Collect major theories on bullying and on intragroup and intragroup relations. The aim of the research is to investigate theoretical factors underlying bullying with a special focus on group factors, and to review theories on intragroup and intergroup relations

IO2: Training course for football coaches

  • Design the activities by also taking into account previous experiences, conceptually merging them by creating a novel way to present them to coaches and athletes. 
  • Develop and implement an online course freely usable by all people interested in preventing bullying in and through football.

    Download the methodology & activities here:

IO3: Guidelines

  • Develop guidelines to be used all over Europe. The guidelines will include all the information developed systematically during the project activities, on the basis of continuously updated and valid knowledge, drawn up in order to make appropriate, and with a high standard of quality, a behaviour in sport sector that respects the diversity of every human being.  

IO4: Pinball Cup and national tournaments

  • National tournaments in Greece, Portugal, Finland, Switzerland and Croatia are planned in the end of the project. 
  • The final event of the project will include the Pinball cup. The federations taking part in the project will involve representatives of football clubs in order to organise an international football tournament, combined with a final conference presenting project results and learnings.